
What a Year the LaST ONe waS!

Hey Lover, 

I've meant to do a recap of some of the spectacular things that happened to be last year but I got a surprise that  kinda threw me off a little..
Last Thursday my mom showed up.  She told my brother the day she was leaving South Africa, but I had NOOO idea at all and I'm normally able to sniff these things out.  I couldn't believe she was here. I screamed like a little girl and did my Holy Ghost shuffle when I saw her!
So I'm enjoying some much needed mama time before she heads back home. *bliss*

I hope the first 4 days of the new year have been good to you already. 
Here is a brief recap of the most memorable things that happened in 2011. 



  1. You did have a great year - congrats on all your accomplishments - you deserve it! Here's to an even better year in 2012!

  2. u were featured in the news!!!congrats love!!!
